New filters are now available in our Vessels and Ports tabs to help you conduct more granular analysis and uncover more specific intelligence.
These filters, which cover vessel Ownership, vessel Particulars, and Areas of Interest, are designed to help you find answers quickly, without the need to download and cross reference multiple data sets.
Examples of use cases these filters help with include:
Looking to understand how many tankers have passed through the Black sea within a specific time period? Utilise the new vessel particulars filters to find this information quickly by adding a vessel type filter.
Want to perform trend analysis on the number of Ship-To-Ship transfers happening in a specific area? The new area of interest filter now provides access to this intelligence in three clicks.
Need a list of all the passenger vessels going between two ports, including their operators? Use the vessel arrivals and departures filters, and then the new ownership information filter to add a column for Operators.
Accessing the filters
To access the new filters go to the Vessels, Ports or Lighthouses & AtoN sections (1), select the relevant tab - in this instance we’ve selected Vessels (2), click hit ‘Add filter’(3) and then scroll down to the filters you want to add (4). The Drop down arrow to the right opens the full filter menu.
Who has access to these filters?
Our enterprise customers have access too all of these new filters, and are able to benefit fully from all the new use cases that they open up.
Our professional plan customers have access to the vessel particulars and areas of interest filters only. If you are a professional plan customer and need access to ownership data you can get in touch at [email protected] about upgrading your plan.
Our free plan customers have limited access to the Vessels and Ports, meaning they are not able to benefit from these new filters. If you are currently using a free plan and would like to upgrade to a professional plan you can do so in your MarineTraffic account.
What filters are included?
The filters you can access on each tab vary slightly, depending on previously accessible information and use cases required for each tab. The full list of possible filters includes:
Vessel particulars
Vessel type - Generic
Vessel type - Detailed
Commercial Market
Commercial size class
Length between perpendiculars
Length overall
Length registered
Breadth moulded
Breadth extreme
Capacity - GT
Capacity - TEU
Capacity - Liquid gas
Capacity - Passenger
Vessel ownership
Commercial manager
Commercial manager email
Commercial manager city
Commercial manager country
Registered owner
Registered owner email
Registered owner city
Registered owner country
Beneficial owner
Beneficial owner email
Beneficial owner city
Beneficial owner country
Technical manager
Technical manager email
Technical manager city
Technical manager country
P&I club
P&I club email
P&I club city
P&I club country
Ship builder
Ship builder email
Ship builder city
Ship builder country
Class society
Class society email
Class society city
Class society country
Engine builder
Engine builder email
Engine builder city
Engine builder country
ISM manager
ISM manager email
ISM manager city
ISM manager country
Operator email
Operator city
Operator country
Area of interest
User is able to search for an area of interest for the following events:
Vessel-to-Vessel Proximity Events
Risk of collision
STS Start/End
Pilot Entry
Pilot Event Aboard/Offboard
Bunkering Start/End
Vessel AIS Data Updates
AIS Flag Changed
AIS Name Changed
MarineTraffic AIS Network-Related Events
In terrestrial AIS range
Out of terrestrial AIS range
Special Events
AIS non-detactable or switched off
Sailing in high winds
Vessel Movement Status Updates
Changed Course