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Edit and Share your Notifications
Written by Vasilis Kontas
Updated over 7 months ago

In this article, you will find all information regarding the edit, pause, deletion, share, and all-in-all management of your Notifications.

Edit Notifications

To perform changes in your existing notifications, you can click on the My Notifications option under the My Account section.

From there, you may simply click on the pencil/edit icon, next to the notification you wish to change. You will see a screen with all available channels as well as the types of alerts you may choose from. You can change any of the options available and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.


You may:

  • Add more notification alerts

  • Remove existing alerts

  • Change the variables for the notifications that have such options (eg Stopped)

  • Change (add/remove) the communication channels for the subject group of notifications

Share Notifications

This feature is only available through Corporate Accounts and enables visibility to important alerts across the company.

Regardless if you are the Administrator or a User of a Corporate Account, you may share any of your already existing notifications with your Corporate Users by clicking on the share button, then entering the users’ email addresses or simply selecting all of them at once.

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NOTE: once notification is shared it is paused by default. The user gets email with information about shared notification and needs to accept shared notification. By clicking the button "ACCEPT SHARED NOTIFICATION" that can be seen in the email received, the user is redirected to My Notification page where needs to click "play" button to activate shared notification.

In order to un-share a notification with one or more Corporate Users, you may click on the share button, then on the ‘Edit use permissions’ option and remove the respective user(s).

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If a notification is shared with one or more Corporate Users, a group’s silhouette icon is shown on the left-hand side of the share button.


If the notification is not shared with any Corporate Users, an individual’s silhouette icon is shown on the left hand side of the share button.


How do the shared notifications work?

It is important to note that each generated notification is charged separately. This means that each user will be charged for each notification generated for him, regardless if the notification is shared or not. So, for example, if user A shares a notification with user B, both users A and B will be charged for the notifications generated to each of them, according to the Notification type.

When it comes to editing the shared notifications, this can only be done by the user who shared them. However, the users to whom the notifications were shared can pause or delete the shared notifications from their own account. This will not affect the notifications of the user who shared them in the first place.

Lastly, it is possible to share any type of notification with other users. So, for example, if user A has notifications for his Fleets and Custom Areas, he can perfectly share those notifications with user B.

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