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Live Map Filters for Advanced Live Map
Live Map Filters for Advanced Live Map
Written by Vasilis Kontas
Updated over a week ago

You can click on the Vessel Filters icon on the Live Map Toolbar, you will find on the right of the Live Map, to bring out the filtering options.
Filtering can be performed by:

Filtering categories can be combined so that you can display only the vessels that match your exact criteria.

Ship Type

You may use the Ship Type filtering options to select which types (and sub-types) of vessels you want to view on the Live Map.

You can select vessel types by clicking on the respective checkboxes. To filter vessels by sub-types, click on the arrow icon next to each vessel type to expand the respective list and use the corresponding switches to define the sub-types that will be displayed.

You can click the Enable/Disable all ship types option to activate/deactivate all types at once.


This filter enables you to filter vessels by size. Use the sliders to define a lower and/or an upper limit. The Gross Tonnage and Deadweight filters are applicable to any ship type. TEU capacity refers to Container vessels and Liquid Gas to Gas Carriers.

Other Particulars

Using the available filters under the Other Particulars section to display vessels based on their Year of Build, their Flag or their Length Overall.

Current Status

This option allows you to view vessels based on their moving status (Underway or Anchored/Moored) by simply clicking on the corresponding checkboxes.

You are also able to select vessels based on the Load Condition (using the AIS transmissions regarding the Draught status), the Current Speed that vessels report or their AIS Navigational Status.

Note I: If you de-select both the Ships Underway and Anchored/Moored options, no vessels will be displayed on the Live Map.

Smart Filters

This section allows you to combine any available Current Operation option:
Bunkering, Ship-to-Ship Transfer (STS), Tugging with any available Special Condition option:
​Waiting OPL, Drifting, Manoeuvring, AIS non-detectable or switched-off, Sailing in high winds


This section lets you choose the vessels displayed on the Live Map based on the Departure and the Destination port. You may start by typing the name of the port of interest in the relevant field and click on the right suggestion! Click on the Clear Field option to reset the filter.

Last Position Received

This filter enables you to define the age of the vessels' positions that will be displayed on the Live Map.

By default, the map shows positions of vessels whose latest AIS signal was received up to one day ago. Use the slider to define this range - the latter can be expanded from 5 minutes ago (to get fresh positions only) up to one year ago (to include vessels whose AIS transmissions have not been recently received).

You may also filter the vessel based on the stations that received their position.

You can do this by typing in the Station ID which you can see on the respective pages of the stations.

You can learn more about the Station page here:

Note II: The Vessels Filters menu can also serve as a memo regarding vessel notation on the Live Map as it is easily accessible through the Live Map Toolbar. This way, if you are not sure about the correspondence of icons to vessel types, you can have a reference point at any time!

To reset all filters and return to the default options, you can simply click the Reset Filters button.

Feel free to take your time to go through all these amazing options and combine them as you like!

- Available with the Professional and Enterprise Plans -

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