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Vessel Notes
Written by Vasilis Kontas
Updated over 7 months ago

-Available with all Plans-

The Vessel Notes feature allows you to hold proprietary data against the vessels of your interest.
The tool allows you to write down notes and save them under a specific vessel of your choice as well as share them with other users.

Recording, storing, and keeping track of the vessel-specific information can easily be done by adding unlimited amounts of notes for the vessels that matter to you.

To add Notes, you need to enter the subject Vessel Details page and click on the “ADD NOTES”, or alternatively right-click on the vessel’s icon and select the “My Notes” option from the list. (23).gif

If the vessel belongs to a Fleet of yours, you can navigate to My Fleets on the left navigation bar, expand your fleet and select the vessel you want to add notes to. (24).gif

Either way, the pop-up window will appear where you will be able to choose the note category from the drop-down list and type the note itself.
Upon typing your note and clicking on the “SAVE” button, your note will be created and the relevant section will appear in the Vessel Details page.

Please note that for the moment this tool supports text details and not file uploading options.

You will be able to Edit/Delete/Share your note by simply pressing on the corresponding button:

You can Share your notes, to allow accessibility of your Vessel Notes to other users of your choice, simply by clicking on the notes menu and selecting Share.

From there, you can type the email address of the user you wish to invite and share your notes with and select their accessibility rights. Invited users can be Viewers or Editors of your notes, meaning they can either view your notes or be able to both view and implement their own changes on them.

You may share your notes with up to 20 other users. In the event that your invited user does not have a MarineTraffic account yet, they will receive an email with an invitation to create their account and access your notes.

Please note that if the subject vessel is added to your Fleet, you will be able to see the notes under the My Fleet section.
By clicking on the note icon, you will be able to see the note as well as edit or delete it. (25).gif

From My Fleet section, you are also able to add a note to any vessel that is included in your Fleets by clicking on the respective icon.

View Notes on Map

Want to view your notes directly on the Live Map? Navigate to Layers 🡪 Map Features and enable the Latest Vessel Notes layer. Zoom in to level 8, or higher, and view your notes directly on the map without having to switch pages. When in fleet mode though, zoom level restrictions don’t apply.

Filter Vessels with My Notes

Want to winnow out vessels that have either your notes or shared ones? Navigate to Vessel Filters 🡪 Smart Filters and enable the Vessels with My Notes filter. Live Map will be filtered displaying only the vessels having your proprietary notes, and the Latest Vessel Notes layer will be also automatically enabled to display them directly on the Map. (26).gif

Vessel Notes in Explore

You can also access your Notes through the Vessels tab of the Explore Tool.

There you will find the content of your Notes, the vessel under which they were created, Imo number, sharing status, category as well as the creation date and last edit date.

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