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Manage Fleets
Written by Vasilis Kontas
Updated over a month ago

By having a Fleet in MarineTraffic, you can use several features more efficiently, such as, for instance, to easily display them on the Live Map. Here, you will learn how to get the most of your Fleets.

Manage your Fleets

Once you are in My Fleets page, under My Account Section, you may use the adjacent tabs (MY FLEETS, MANAGED VESSELS, SETTINGS) to be able to perform any action related to the management of your Fleets. (8).gif
  • Under the MY FLEETS tab, you will see a list of your created Fleets (each row of the list corresponds to a Fleet).

Under the Name column, you will see the names of your Fleets along with the date you created them. You can also perform the following actions:

  • Choose your default Fleet: If you click on the MAKE DEFAULT button, you will make it your default one. Τhe Fleet of your choice will be the one you will be viewing in My Fleets page or on the Live Map by default while you will be able to directly add more vessels to it in just a click.

  • Rename a Fleet: If you click on the name of the Fleet, you will open it and be able to click on the Fleet name in order to rename it. (9).gif
  • Control the vessel status: When you are in the Fleet, you are able to activate/de-activate the vessel(s) of your Fleet by clicking to slide the sidebar icon. Please note that in case the vessel is de-activated under the Fleet, she will not appear on the Live Map after "My Fleet" mode activation. (10).gif
  • Add Notes to your vessels: If you have access to any of our Plans, you can add Notes to any vessel included in your Fleets. You just need to click on the correspondent icon, select from the dropdown list the closest option to what your Note is about, type the Note and save it. You can find more details about this feature here. (11).gif
  • Delete a Fleet: By ticking the box next to the Fleet’s name, you will select it. Then you just need to click on the trash bin icon to permanently delete the selected Fleet. (12).gif
  • Sort Fleets: By clicking on the drop-down arrow, you can select among the 4 sort options. Alphabetically or according to the creation date of the Fleet.

  • Share your Fleet: If you click on the Share icon on the left-hand side of the VIEW & EDIT button, you may share your Fleet to any user of a Corporate account.
    Note IV: Fleet sharing is only available in a Corporate account with a Fleet Share Add-on service. (7).gif
  • Show Fleet on the Live Map and Explore Data: Click on the three dot menu icon to bring out the options to Show on the Map or Explore Data and see more information about the Fleet.

  • If you have purchased our Fleet Operations Solution, you will see the Managed Vessels category.

Define your Fleet Settings

Under the SETTINGS tab, you can define your preferences.

  • If you enable the option Add notifications when adding a new vessel in my fleet, by clicking on the correspondent button, whenever you add a new vessel to your Fleet(s), predefined vessel-based Notifications will be automatically created for the respective vessel(s).

  • The same logic applies to the option Delete notifications when removing a vessel from my fleet. So if both options are activated, every time you alter the composition of your Fleets, your Notifications will be added/removed accordingly.

Further, kindly keep in mind that you can also change your preference case by case, when adding or deleting vessels, without affecting the above settings.

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