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Create Fleets
Written by Vasilis Kontas
Updated over 3 weeks ago

By having a Fleet in MarineTraffic, you can use several features more efficiently, such as, for instance, to easily display them on the Live Map. Here, you will learn how to create a new Fleet and get the most out of this feature.

Create your First Fleet

First of all, you will go to the area where you can create your Fleet. In order to do so, you may click on the My Fleets option under My Account section.

  • Then, when you click on the CREATE FLEET button a window will be shown. There, you will be able to enter a name for your Fleet and search the Vessels you wish to add to it. This can be done by typing the Name (or the MMSI or the IMO) of the subject vessel in the related field. Notice that while you are typing, a list of vessels with similar names will appear - select the one you are looking for and click on the Create Fleet button.
  • Then, click on the CREATE FLEET button to complete the process.

Note I: If you are subscribed to any of our Plans or the Fleet service, you will be able to select the Fleet Colours from the offered colours list.

  • Since this is your first-ever created Fleet, it will also be your Default one. If you wish to add more vessels to this Fleet, you can simply open it and select the ADD VESSELS button.

  • Notice that, this time, the CREATE FLEET button has been replaced by ADD TO FLEET.

  • You may also wish to click on the option to Create vessel-based Notifications, which will automatically create Notifications for any vessel in this Fleet.

Obviously, there is no need for you to provide MarineTraffic with the name of your Fleet again. Repeat this process to add as many vessels as you wish to this Fleet.

Note II: Keep in mind the maximum size of it depends on the Plan or Fleet service you have purchased.

The vessels that you have added to your Fleet will be listed as below.

  • If you know the MMSI or the IMO of the vessels you wish to be included in your Fleet, you can use the Import IMO/MMSI numbers option and import them all at once. You may simply type the numbers of the subject vessels comma-separated on the same line or use one line per number.

    Choose whether you want the vessels to be active in the Fleet and then simply click on CREATE FLEET. If you wish to go back and add each vessel one by one, simply click on Back to vessel selection mode.

Create Multiple Fleets

There are several ways you can create a Fleet in MarineTraffic. Instead of repeating the above process, you may, for example, quickly create new Fleets from the Explore tool.

  • When you have finished a search and found more than one vessel that you want to add to a new Fleet, you may tick the box on the left side of each result in order to select them. The selected vessels will be highlighted in green and the button Add to new Fleet will appear at the bottom of the page. Enter a name for your Fleet, select a colour and click Create. (18).gif

Add Vessels to your Fleet(s)

For your convenience, you can add vessels to your Fleets different spots in MarineTraffic. Thus, you can quickly add more vessels to your Fleets:

  • Directly from the Live Map, by simply, clicking on the icon of a vessel that interests you to bring out their InfoWindow. Then, click on the Add to Fleet button to add her to your default fleet. Alternatively, you may click on the up arrow and select to add this vessel to another Fleet of yours or even to a completely new one.

  • From the Vessel Details page of any vessel. The fleet-related controls are located at the upper right corner of the page. Use them to add the subject vessel to the Fleet of your choice or to a new Fleet.

    Once you add the subject vessel to your Fleet, this will be also indicated as a favourite on the top bar of the Vessel Details page.

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