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Vessel Details Page
Written by Vasilis Kontas
Updated over 2 weeks ago

All the available information and related material regarding any ship is accessible through the MarineTraffic Vessel Details Page.

The most common and easy ways to access this page are:

  • by clicking on the Vessel Details button on the Vessel's Info window.

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  • by typing the vessel’s name or MMSI/IMO in the Search bar on the top right corner of the screen. (In cases of synonyms, make sure that you click on the name of the vessel that matches your preferences). Kindly note that while you are typing your search term, record types will appear on the bottom of the page. This helps you choose the relevant option (Vessels) and limit the results that match your search term.

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  • or by clicking on the Vessel Name field of Vessels page of the Explore tool. (27).gif

Using the Vessel Details page, you are able to get all the available vessel and voyage information.
The following sections are included on the Vessel Details page and you can also select each one through the Page Selection list.
Voyage Information
Latest Position

Kindly note that you can reorder the sections, according to your Preferences.

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On the top bar of the page you can see the vessel name, along with the vessel type, IMO/MMSI and a profile picture as well.

  • You can also find the option to add notes for the vessel, add her to your fleets, and/or directly create Vessel-based notifications.
    Additionally, you can contribute to this vessel’s details by clicking on the three dots you will find on the upper right corner of the page.

Voyage Information

  • Using the Voyage Information section, you are able to get forward-looking information regarding the subject vessel. The destination port, the ETA and the average Speed recorded are some of these details, along with Voyage Timeline and Position History.

Note I: You will be able to access all the voyage related information through our Voyage Data service, Professional and Professional Plus plans & Fleet Operations Solution.


  • In this section, you can find a short summary describing the vessel’s position, along with weather data, her destination and some interesting vessel’s characteristics.

Latest Position

Information about the vessel's current status and position (as received by our network of AIS-receiving stations) is available at the Latest Position section together with:

  • direct view her position on the Live Map

  • list of Nearby Vessels

  • information regarding the weather and wind conditions on the area the vessel is at

Vessel Valuation

  • Under this section, you will be able to see the current and historical valuations (market and demolition value) of a vessel. Please check the following article to learn more - Vessel Valuation.

Vessel Information

  • Under the Vessel Information section, you can access all the available information regarding the subject vessel, such as general info (IMO/MMSI, name, Vessel Type etc.), but also all the information regarding the Vessel Particulars.

Note II: With the Vessel Particulars service or any of our Plans, you will have access to more vessel's characteristics and technical details, as well as up to date Manager/Owner information.

Recent Port Calls

  • The most recent Port Calls of a vessel are also available in the vessel details page.
    You can click on the View Full List tab and you will be directed to the Port Calls page of our Explore tool, where you can find all the available Port Cals of the vessel of interest during the desired timestamp.

Vessel Photos

You may also access all the Vessel Photos uploaded in the MarineTraffic Photo Gallery or even upload your own photos of the vessel


  • On the bottom of the page, you will be able to find a list of Companies that operate or have offices in the destination port or in the nearby ports.
    You can also add your own Company in our Business Directory, clicking on the List Your Company tab.

Vessel Timeline

Vessel Timeline plot diagram provides the status of the vessel's draught and speed during the past period (the reference period depends on each vessel's activity).

  • The red line indicates the vessel's speed while the blue area notates the vessel's draught. On top of these, you are able to see the most recent Port Calls of the vessel (Green icon for Arrivals - Red icon for Departures) as well as her current Destination (the Blue icon - when available).

It is very easy to get information for a specific time or date.

Events Timeline

  • In this section, you can find all the Events (Noon Position, Midnight Position, Departure, Arrival etc) the vessel has created within the last 3 days.
    You can click on the View Full List tab and you will be directed to the Voyage Timeline page of our Explore tool, where you can find all the available Events of the vessel.
    Note IV: You will be able to extend the timestamp of Events you can access through our Voyage Data service, Professional and Professional Plus plans & Fleet Operations Solution.

Shipyard Moves

In this section, you can find information about whether a commercial vessel has visited a Shipyard in the past.

  • ​Information such as the name of the Shipyard's Port, the name of the Terminal (if available), the date of the vessel's arrival, her departure and the duration of her visit.

With the Vessel Particulars feature of any of our Plans, you will have access to the details of the Shipyard Moves section.

Vessel Utilisation

Kindly note that this information is only available through our Voyage Data service, Professional and Professional Plus plans & Fleet Operations Solution.
This section provides you with a basic overview of the Vessel's Utilisation on a time-rolling basis and not voyage based. You can see the details for the last 30 days or 12 months.

  • Some of the details you can find are the Total Distance Travelled, Average/Maintained Speed and the Total number of Voyages.


Service Areas

  • You can also view the Trade Areas, Countries and Ports the vessel has visited since 2015.


Note V: You will be able to extend the timestamp of Events you can access through our Voyage Data service, Professional and Professional Plus plans & Fleet Operations Solution.

Vessel’s Speed vs Wind Profile

  • In this section, you can find a chart that presents the average vessel's speed in all weather (wind) conditions >= 4 Beaufort.
    There are 3 categories of wind angle that are significantly different on the impact they have in vessel's speed:
    Headwinds: The angle between Vessel's course and Wind direction is 0-60 degrees
    Crosswinds: The angle between Vessel's course and Wind direction is 61-120 degrees
    Tailwinds: The angle between Vessel's course and Wind direction is more than 120 degrees

Similar Vessels

  • You can view a table of maximum 20 vessel records that present similarities on type, capacity, dimensions and trade with the vessel of reference.

Vessel Coverage

  • You can easily view Vessel Coverage, meaning the Positions we have received, the number of Arrivals & Departures recorded among other things, within the last 24 hours and 1 month.

Quality of AIS-transmitted Information

  • Since all data reported has been collected through vessel’s AIS transmissions, which may sometimes present gaps, we show this Quality of AIS signal in the vessel details page.
    You can see if the quality of a vessel's AIS characteristics is high, medium or even low.

In the News

Last but not least, you will be able to see the In the News section, in case any published news is related to this vessel.

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