Augmented Reality enables you to identify Vessels (Ports and Lights as well) around you at a glance! In other words, this tool connects reality with maritime intelligence.
It is available as an In-App purchase (you should have downloaded and installed the Mobile App first). Tap menu->Augmented Reality to purchase (one-off payment) and install Augmented Reality or directly click on the Binoculars icon on the Main Toolbar. Note that you can also run a compatibility test prior to purchasing the Augmented Reality tool.
Upon installation, Augmented Reality will be seamlessly integrated to the MarineTraffic Mobile App. Follow the above-mentioned path (menu->Augmented Reality) or simply click on the "Binoculars" icon to launch the tool.
Augmented Reality makes use of your mobile device's magnetometer. The Magnetometer sensor works similarly to a typical compass and allows your device to be oriented in relation to the Earth's magnetic field. However, in order to ensure that it is working properly, you should follow the on-screen instructions.
The tool will then make use of your current location (make sure you have enabled the "Location Services" on your device to do this automatically or enter your current location manually). Information on vessels, ports and lights which move or are located near your current position, will be displayed on your screen by simply pointing your device's camera towards their direction.
For example, in the following picture, the name of the vessel is "British Kestrel" and is registered under British flag, she is anchored (for underway vessels their speed and heading will be displayed), the last position of her was received 1 minute ago and she is located 603 metres away from our current location!
Notice the compass at the left of the screen which informs us about the direction our camera/mobile device is pointing to. Below the compass, there is more information about visible vessels and vessels (or ports or lights) which are located within our range.
You are able to define the maximum distance of incoming information (which will be displayed on your screen). Tap on the "range (nm)" field to fine tune the range
or tap on any of the available presets (50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1, 0.5) to directly alter it. Depending on your selection, the information on your screen will refer to assets within the defined range. Next to the range selector, there are more options.
Pause the Augmented Reality tool. Your camera will stop being active and no new information will be displayed. Tap on the same button to Start the tool again.
Take a photo. A photo will be taken. Tap on the same button again to Save it and Share it.
Refresh. Tap on this button to manually refresh the displayed information and update it with all the newer data (if available).
Use the "Options" button to access the Augmented Reality Options. Let's have a closer look at the available options:
Use the sliders to define
the types of vessels about which you wish to be getting information on your screen
whether you want to be getting information about Ports and Lights as well
whether you want to be getting information about both Underway and Anchored vessels or not
The next set of options allows you to perform the following actions:
Calibrate Compass: Tap on this option to re-calibrate your compass. Use it if you notice that your device's compass is not working properly.
AR Compass Tool: This tool turns your mobile device into a high-precision compass.
Fine Tune Range: Tap to fine-tune the maximum range of incoming information.
Use the next set of options to:
define the rate of automatic updates of the displayed information using the respective slider (Refresh ship positions)
define the refresh-rate of your position using the respective slider (Refresh my location)
tap on the "Enter location manually" option to manually enter your location's coordinates
Use the next set of options to define your altitude:
(Note that only one selection can be active)
From GPS: Use your device's GPS sensor to define your position's altitude
Always water level: Set your position's altitude to water level (always 0)
Set manually: Set your altitude manually. Once activated, use the "Elevation from water" slider to define your position's altitude
Finally, you can use the "Performance" and "Photo Quality" options to make the relevant selections - take into account your mobile device (model, performance, camera quality, processing power etc) when doing so in order for the Augmented Reality tool to run smoothly.
Note: When using the Augmented Reality tool, tap on the "MarineTraffic logo" icon at the upper right corner at any time to exit and return to the MarineTraffic Mobile App interface.