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Lists on Mobile App
Written by Vasilis Kontas
Updated over 7 months ago

In this article you can learn how to use the lists menu on the MarineTraffic mobile app and access certain information. You may tap on the Menu icon to bring out the Side Menu. The available lists are grouped under the Lists sub-menu.


Ships in area

You may tap on this option to get a full list of the vessels that are included on the selected area of yours on the Live Map. Move around the Live Map and locate the area you are interested in.

Upon selecting, tap on the Ships in area option to get a full list of the vessels that are included in the selected area of yours.


​Note I: Tap on the info icon to bring out the subject vessel's Details page.

Near Me

By tapping this option you can get a full list of the vessels that are:

  • near your actual location (if you have location services enabled on your mobile device)

  • within a certain radius from the centre of the displayed area on the Live Map (if "location services" are disabled). To define this radius you may tap on the menu icon and select the max distance from the properties box that will appear.


​Note II: Using the My Positions options under the Settings menu, you are able to alter these aspects of the App's functionality at any time.

My Fleet

You can tap on this option to a list of the vessels included in your Default Fleet. You can always change your Default Fleet or many any other adjustments in your fleets as instructed here.

To change the default fleet, you may simply click on the three dots icon and select another one from your fleets list. The new default fleet will then be shown on the Live Map.

​Note III: You need to Sign-in in order to be able to perform this action.

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