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Invite Users to your Corporate Account
Written by Vasilis Kontas
Updated over a month ago

You can always invite more users to join in your Corporate Account. In order to do so, you have two available options at the Corporate Accounts Dashboard:

  • You can click on the Overview tab and type the e-mail address of the person you wish to invite and click on the Invite button.

  • You may click on the Users tab, type the e-mail address of the person you wish to invite and click on the Invite button.

All invited users will be informed regarding your invitation to their e-mail accounts by MarineTraffic.

This email will enable them to accept your invitation and become active members of your Corporate Account. They will also get informed that they will not have administrative rights on their accounts as only the Corporate Account administrator can assign them Online Services.

​Note: Please be mindful that the link will expire in 7 days.

Note: There is no limitation as to whether the person invited had or did not have a MarineTraffic personal account prior to receiving his Corporate Account invitation:

  • a user that had a MarineTraffic personal account prior to receiving their invitation will just have to accept his invitation. In case they had already bought a legacy account or online service for his personal use, he would still be able to maintain it under his new Corporate Account status until it expires or until the Corporate Account Administrator assigns something new.

  • a user that did not have a MarineTraffic personal account prior to receiving his invitation will be presented with a registration form. Upon completion of this form, he will become a user of the Corporate Account (with no administrative rights).

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