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Fleet Management Overview
Written by Vasilis Kontas
Updated over 7 months ago

The Fleet Management Overview is a feature that provides a quick situational awareness for vessels of interest.

This feature is available only to users who subscribed to the Fleet Operations Solution.


The Fleet Management Overview offers:

  • An easy way to have situational awareness for multiple vessels at the same time as it contains all the essential information on the first view

  • Digging into detail when needed: Live map view, Voyage Timeline, as well as an Operation Overview with detailed information.

There are three ways how you can enter the Fleet Dashboard:

  1. By clicking on the Fleet Management menu entry in the left side toolbar:

  2. By using the right side toolbar on the Live Map and expanding the vessels list within each Fleet: (2).gif
  3. By entering the "My Fleets" page under your account and clicking the three dots menu option next to every fleet line:

The Overview is grouped into three parts

First select a fleet you are interested in, per default the managed vessels are selected in the drop down menu.

  • The live map shows the current position of the vessel in the fleet. Hover over the vessel icons will display the vessel name.

  • The voyage timeline shows at a glance the current voyage of the vessel in the selected fleet.

  • The Operation Overview has all necessary details for the fleet grouped.

The Voyage timeline

The sorting of the vessels can be either alphabetically, by destination (= port name) or by reported ETA (the vessel approaching the port earliest will be on top). Via the gear icon, it can be changed, if the vessel speed should be displayed in a color gradient line or as plain color line. The voyage timeline can be displayed in full screen as well.

For each vessel we display the origin and destination port and the vessel's last position timestamp against the present time where the user triggers the dashboard update. The icon under the vessel’s now indicator shows the loading state of the vessel.

For each vessel a detail view can be opened by clicking on the vessel name so see the vessel timeline arrow, the wind barb icons underneath and a complete list of weather data details:

By selecting the vessel of interest, you can select the desired resolution of the Fleet Dashboard from the offered list:

If you hover on the vessel`s icon, as well as on the icons that represent the Origin Destination and the Destination Port, you will be able to see voyage related details of the subject vessel.

The Operation overview

The tabular view of the selected vessel fleet shows an overview of the operational status and several actions like adding notes, creating post voyage reports or setting up a notification can be started from here. The following data are available:

  • The vessel name linking to the vessel detail page

  • The local area showing the current vessel sailing location, which is linking to the area detail page

  • Voyage state showing the navigational state of the vessel

  • The load condition is taken from the AIS data and gives laden/ partially laden/ in ballast/ no data and the numerical draught value.

  • The destination port column shows the matched port as destination linking to the port detail page and in round brackets the raw destination as reported in AIS

  • If the vessel is in port, the current port name will be filled

  • Distance to go is the remaining sailing distance to the destination

  • The position received gives a hint, how up-to-date the data is

The last three columns are action columns:

  • The notes icon is showing the number of notes from the user for the vessel (shared notes from another user are not counted in the number) and allows the user to create a new note.

  • The next column shows as icon the number of stored post-voyage-reports and allows creation of new PVRs.

The 3-dots menu enables users to open as a new tab the past track of the vessel on the live map, show the current vessel position on the live map or to create a notification for this vessel.

On the table column header menu, the user can change the sorting order, pin columns, filter for specific values, hide columns or manage columns to unhide columns again.

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