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Voyage Report
Written by Vasilis Kontas
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Voyage Report is a feature that allows the user to create a post-voyage report for a selected voyage the vessel has completed, getting access to useful insights. This information includes a voyage overview, a detailed itinerary, and time allocation as well as seeing if the voyage was compliant with charter party agreements.

Note that this tool is available with the Fleet Management Solutionand is available for the vessels in the FleetOps fleet, otherwise known as "Managed Vessels"

This article contains the following:

How to create a Voyage Report

Voyage Reports are available on each Vessel Details page of the vessels that are part of your managed vessels.

  • This will be displayed as a button as shown below. To start creating a new Voyage Report, simply follow the instructions below:

  • Click on the “Voyage Reports” button and then select “Create new report”.

  • Select the voyage you would like to create a report for.

Voyage report 2.png
  • A leg is part of a voyage and it is calculated as the time of a vessel’s departure from one port to departure from another port.


  • The list will only display the last 100 legs completed.

  • Offshore terminals are not considered as Leg Destination for the Voyage Report tool

You can simply click on the checkbox next to the departure port to include this in your Voyage Report.

Note: Each voyage can include up to 5 consecutive legs.

  • Review and edit Charter-Party compliance.

  • In this section, you can edit the good Weather Thresholds based on your charter party agreement.

  • By selecting the checkbox "Exclude Adverse Currents from Good Weather" you will exclude the voyage time during which the vessels faced adverse currents from GW and it will be calculated as Bad Weather.

  • Selecting adverse currents will count days with adverse currents as bad weather days.

The next part will allow you to incorporate a detailed timeline on your report and include the vessel’s position throughout the voyage along with the corresponding weather data.

You can also include events such as the following:

  • Generic events include all MarineTraffic generated events

  • User-specific events include all events generated based on your custom Notifications associated with the vessel

The next step is to select the number of hours to be displayed based on the position frequency.

The Voyage Report page

The Voyage Report page contains three sections: Voyage Details, Charter-Party Compliance and Details.

  • At the very beginning of the Voyage Report, you will see the header, as shown in the image below

  • The header defines what the report is about which includes the vessel name, photo, IMO, MMSI, date of report, and the selected voyage.

Voyage Details

This section includes the following information:

Voyage overview

The voyage overview provides a table of the ports visited by the vessel and the load condition or operation taking place there, along with the actual time of arrival (ATA) and the actual time of departure (ATD).

  • For example, in this voyage, the vessel loaded at Novorossiysk port, discharged and called at Yeosu port, then loaded at Novorossiysk port once again.


Past Track

  • The voyage overview section also includes a snapshot of the past track for the selected voyage, with the weather contour (wind speed) and wind barbs.


Note: this map has no available interactions and doesn't display the events.


Itinerary table:

  • The itinerary table consists of the changes in status, load conditions and operations, the dates and time of when they took place, their duration, as well as distance and average speed, where applicable.


Here is a short list of what each term displayed in the rows means:

  • Ballasting - Transiting where load condition is set to "in ballast"

  • Waiting - AIS reported waiting (includes waiting at anchorage and waiting in canals)

  • In port - Loading - Operation loading

  • In port - Discharging - Operation discharging

  • In port - Vessel AIS has reported the vessel in port, but no specific operation taking place

  • Canal transiting - Transiting in a canal

  • Shifting - Movement of a vessel from one berth to another or from anchorage to a berth

  • Transiting - When the vessel is traveling and is not completing an operation listed above

  • Departure - The departure from the last port included in the report


Here is a short list of what each term displayed in the columns means:

  • Location (port or canal) Origin Port and Destination (in the case of transiting for example)

  • From (UTC) - When the status or operation started

  • To (UTC) - When the status or operation ended

  • Time Elapsed (days) - The time elapsed for each operation

  • Distance Travelled (NM) - Where applicable the distance covered by the vessel in nautical miles

  • Average Speed (kn) - the average speed of the vessel, where applicable

Time allocation table and pie chart:

The time allocation table includes an aggregation of the above-mentioned operations. The pie chart shows the percentage of the time each of these aggregations is compared to the total voyage duration.



Here is a short list of what each term displayed in the rows means:

  • Total - Refers to the entire voyage

  • Ballasting - Refers to the time where the vessel was transiting and the load condition was reported "in ballast"

  • Transiting - Refers to the time where the vessel was transiting

  • Waiting (Anch + Canals) - Refers to the waiting periods as well as any time or distance transiting canals

  • In-Port Working - Refers to the operations (discharging and loading) that took place in the port

  • Other - Any other condition/operation that has not been aggregated

Here is a shortlist of what each term displayed in the columns means:

  • Voyage Duration (days) - This is an aggregate of the duration for each of the above-mentioned operations or conditions

  • Distance Travelled in NM - An aggregate of the distance traveled for each of the above-mentioned operations or conditions

  • Average Speed - An average of the vessel’s speed during the above-mentioned operations or conditions

  • Voyage Timeline

    The voyage timeline is a visual representation, in the form of a stacked bar, of operations or load conditions throughout the voyage. Each operation/load condition that took place during the voyage is displayed in a different color.

  • Vessel's Speed vs Wind Profile

    The vessel's speed vs wind profile is similar to the one on the Vessel Details page. Here, instead of comparing the vessel's profile to that of similar vessels, it compares the profile of this voyage to the vessel’s profiles from data collected over the past years.


Charter Party Compliance

This section includes the following information:

  • Good Weather

The good weather section has three tables; the first two indicate the values entered by the user when initially creating the report which includes the Good Weather Thresholds and the vessel’s Charter-Party Speed.


The following list includes the definition of each term displayed in the Charter-Party Speed table:

  • Allowed Time Transiting (in days) - This is the result of a calculation of the distance of the voyage, with the charter-party speed (distance travelled/the charter-party average speed/24)

  • Actual TimeTransiting - The total time duration of the voyage

  • Time Loss/Gain - The difference between the two above (Actual Time Transiting - Allowed Time Transiting)

The third table of the good weather section displays the breakdown of the voyage into good and bad weather days and the average speed of the vessel for each day.


Weather Charts

The next part of the Charter-Party Compliance section is three tables that will help you evaluate your vessel’s performance in various weather scenarios using charts for different weather data sets.

  • This is presented with a line chart where the horizontal axis represents the time in days and the vertical axis represents the speed in knots.

  • You can hover at any point on the line chart which prompts a marker on each line in the corresponding position and a tooltip is displayed.

  • You can also click or hover over any value on the chart to disable/enable the line respective to it.

2.1 Wind Speed Timeline


Tooltip information includes the following:

  • Wind Speed

  • Vessel’s Speed

  • Charter Party Vessel’s Speed

  • Good Weather Wind Speed Threshold

  • Average Vessel’s Speed in Good Weather

2.2 Significant wave height chart


Tooltip information includes the following:

  • Significant Wave Height

  • Wave Height

  • Swell Height

  • Vessel Speed

  • Wave Height Threshold

  • Swell Height Threshold

2.3 Current Speed Timeline


Tooltip information includes the following:

  • Current Speed

  • Vessel Speed

  • Charter Party Vessel’s Speed

2.4 Current Factor


The current factor chart represents the effect of the current on the vessel’s speed.

Note: you can click on the EDIT button to modify the data entered on the Charter-Party compliance section.


Detailed Timeline

The Detailed Timeline is a table that shows the positions of the vessel throughout the voyage with respect to your selection regarding the position frequency and events that need to be included when initially creating the report.


How to save, edit, download and delete your Voyage Report

Save Report:

  • After the report has been created, you can save, edit or delete your Voyage Report. All these options are displayed in the upper right corner of the report.

  • Once you hit “SAVE REPORT”, a pop-up window will appear for you to rename the report. Then, you can click on “SAVE” to apply the changes.

Edit Report:

Once you click on the “EDIT” button, a new pop-up window will appear for you to modify the data you entered when initially creating the report. You can change the values for the Charter-Party Compliance and the Detailed Timeline.

Note: Once you edit and rerun the report, you need to save the changes again, if you want to keep the changes you made.

Download Report:

You can create a PDF document of their voyage report by clicking on the "Download" button:

  • On click - a copy of the Voyage report is created in PDF format and the browser should indicate it is downloading

  • The button is disabled (Greyed out) while the PDF is being downloaded

  • Once the file is ready you can open it on your computer

Delete Report:

Lastly, you can delete your report by clicking on the three dots menu and then clicking on the trash icon beside the report that you would like to delete, as shown below:

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