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Settings of Mobile App
Written by Vasilis Kontas
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Through the Settings area, you can manage the configuration of several sections of your App. You may tap on the Menu icon, then on the SETTINGS option to see all available options.


Map Options

Whenever "Menu" or "Menu button" is mentioned in this article, it refers to the MarineTraffic logo button located in the top left corner. You can select the options that interest you most by clicking on the Hamburger Menu located in the up-right corner > Settings > Map options.

  • Bottom Toolbar & Refresh Menu: if enabled, it keeps a few default options available through a bar at the bottom of the App. Those options are Vessel Filters (represented by a funnel), Refresh Map button, My Fleets (represented by the heart icon), Layers and the Weather Maps service, which can be purchased separately.

  • Theme: You can choose between BRIGHT, DARK or AUTO options. Click on the Hamburger Menu located in the up-right corner > Settings > Map options > choose the desired option.

  • Map Type: You can choose between the options STANDARD MAP, HYBRID MAP, SATELLITE MAP, OPEN STREET MAP, SIMPLE MAP, DARK BLUE MAP and NAUTICAL CHARTS whereas the Nautical Maps service can be purchased separately.

  • Map Magnification: When you select the preferred Map Magnification, the application will auto-detect the most appropriate resolution depending on your mobile device. However, you may set the resolution manually (for example, in case your bandwidth is limited for any reason).

  • Vessel Names: Vessel Names will be displayed on the Live Map along with the subject vessel's icon, as long as the latest position of the Vessels was received through our network of coastal stations or as long as you have access to Satellite Services. Otherwise, they will be shown as “Sat-ais”. You can turn on/off VESSEL NAMES, MAP SCALE and ZOOM CONTROL by clicking on the Hamburguer Menu > Settings > Map options > then scroll down and toggle the desired options.

  • Distance zoom levels: As with any touchscreen zoom control, you can place two fingers on your mobile device’s screen and open them to zoom out or close them to zoom in. But you can also choose to keep the zoom level controls visible for you on the App, so that you may tap on the respective icons to zoom in/out.

  • Map Scale: You can choose whether you want the Map Scale to be displayed on the Live Map or not. It will be visible on the bottom right side of the screen.


Layer Options

Here you can choose to enable/disable several kinds of Layers and even to combine the available Layers. You can find a detailed description of this section here.

Vessel Options

You can choose what Vessel Type(s) will be displayed on the Live Map. More detailed options are available through the In-App Starter plan, as well as through the Professional or Enterprise plans.

The extra options unlocked through the aforementioned services are Vessel Type-Detailed (e.g. Container, Dry Bulk, Cruise, LNG Tanker, etc), Capacity (Gross Tonnage, Deadweight, TEU, Liquid Gas), Other Particulars (Year of Build, Flag, Overall Length), Current Status (Underway, Anchored, Load Condition, Current Speed, Status), Voyage (Departure, Destination), Last Position Received (e.g. up to 5 minutes ago, one day ago, one month ago, etc).
You can see and choose vessel types by clicking on the Menu button > Vessel options > Ship Type.

  • Style: You can select your preferred style of the displayed vessel icons.

  • Vessel’s Labels: You can select one or more of the available labels so that the Vessel icons are shown on the Live Map along with the respective details (Name, Speed, Destination, Elapsed, Country).

  • Icon size according to vessel's length: Vessel icons will be shown according to the actual vessel's length. Small (up to 80m), Normal (80-150m), Large (more than 150m).

  • Projected Course: According to the latest data, a projected course line will be displayed for each vessel icon. This line estimates the projected course of the subject vessel.

  • Show Wake: If enabled, wakes will be shown. Depending on the subject vessel's speed, the wake will be adjusted accordingly.

My Position


  • Auto-tracking: You can activate the auto-tracking by clicking on the Menu button> My position > toggle the option.

  • Record my Track with Route Planner: You may also enable the recording of your track using the Route Planner in-App tool, which is available through the in-App Starter plan.

  • Get position from: In order to get information on your position directly from your mobile device, you can tap on the DEVICE option or, if you prefer, you may manually define your location by tapping on the MAP CENTER.

  • Max Distance of Ships Near Me: You can define the maximum range of vessels (Ports and Lights as well) shown near your position. These assets will comprise the Near Me List. Accepted values are 1-100 NM.

  • Show Area Near Me: You can enable this option to view your selected area on the Live Map. The size of the area depends on your choice in the Max Distance of Ships Near Me option.


You can find a detailed description of the Weather Layer here.

Density Maps

Through the basic version of this feature, you can display the traffic density according to the available year options as well as choose the LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH opacity. Click on the Menu button > Density maps. Options will appear.


If you have access to the Advanced Density Maps, you will also be able to filter the results according to the Vessel Commercial Type. Click on the Menu button > Density maps > scroll down until you see VESSEL TYPE.


Performance and Display

The MarineTraffic Mobile App auto-detects the appropriate performance settings depending on your mobile device. However, you can manually change these settings using the Performance set of options. Click on the menu button > Performance & Display. Scroll down to the see options that are mentioned below.

    • Map Magnification: You may consider changing it, for example, in case your bandwidth is limited for any reason.

    • Icons: The size of the displayed icons can be changed according to your preference.

    • Interface: The size of the Interface components (menus, options, buttons etc) can also be changed as per your preferences.

    • Vessel Details: You may choose which tabs will be displayed.

  • Port Details: You may choose which tabs will be displayed.

  • Station Details: You may choose which tabs will be displayed.


The accessibility option allows you switch the Display view to Zoomed, thus enlarging text, buttons and icons on the map. Click on the menu button > Accessibility. You can choose the view options: Standard and Zoomed.

You can also optimize the vessel icons for colourblindness or use a double-tap gesture to zoom in and out of the map.

My Account & Purchases

Here, you can Register and/or Login/Logout to/from your MarineTraffic Account. The step by step of all these processes can be found here. This entire section falls under the "My account button," which is located on the right side, between the magnifying glass icon and the hamburger button menu.

If you scroll down a bit, you will see all PURCHASED services as well as the ones AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE. At the bottom, you will see the HANDLE SUBSCRIPTIONS option, the TERMS OF SERVICE, DELETE ACCOUNT and the App Version.



In this section, you can create, edit, pause, start and delete Notifications. You can find the Notifications section by clicking on the menu button and then Notifications.

  • Enable on this device: When this option is activated, you will be able to get Mobile Push Notifications on your mobile device.

  • Add notification when adding ship to My Fleet: This option will automatically enable vessel-based notifications when you add a new vessel to any of your fleets.

  • Manage Notifications: This option will take you to the Notifications Overview page.

If you tap on the MANAGE NOTIFICATIONS option, Notifications Overview will present the following details:

  1. amount of used Notification Credits from your monthly Allowance

  2. monthly Notifications Credit Allowance

  3. option to extend your monthly Allowance

  4. date when the Notifications Credit Allowance is scheduled to refuel

  5. amount of Purchased Credits available in your account

  6. option to use your Purchased Credits


Of course, you can also create new Notifications and adjust (edit, pause, delete) the existing ones through the relevant options.

On the bottom of the screen, you will see two buttons: "Create new" and "My notifications".

After clicking on "Create new" will have three options to choose from: Vessel, Port or Fleet. Choose the desired option and you will be asked to type the name of the asset.


My Fleets

This option allows you to see and manage your Fleets. By tapping on the three dots icon, you can choose amongst the following options. You open the "My Fleets" section by clicking on the menu button and then on "My fleets". You will see the following options:


  1. Show fleets: Allows your fleets to appear on the map.

  2. Fleet by colour: Enables you to mark fleets by colour, which is useful if you have groups of fleets with something in common. You decide the colour of your fleet when you create the fleet.

  3. Show colours on the map.

  4. Show other vessels.

  5. Show all fleets.

  6. Your fleets: The fleets you have created.

  7. Fleet settings: A button to manage fleets. In this section, you can choose the default fleet, create a new fleet, edit a fleet, or delete a fleet.

Units and Time

Here you will be able to select the units you would rather have displayed in your app. Click on the menu button and then on UNITS AND TIME.

  • Lat/Lon display: An example of the available options is shown upon choosing any of them. They are: decimal, DMS and DMD.

  • Distance: You can select your preferred distance unit. They are Nautical miles, KM and Miles.

  • Vessel Speed: You can select your preferred speed unit. They are: knots, km/h and MPH.

  • Wind Speed: You can select your preferred speed unit. They are: knots, KM/H, MPH, M/S and Beaufort.

  • Temperature: You can select your preferred temperature unit. They are Celsius and Fahrenheit.

  • Time Display: You can also choose, amongst the available options, your time display preferences. They are: default, always UTC, local time, My local time and differential.

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This is the last option in the Settings list. By tapping on it, a web page of the MarineTraffic Help Centre will be open.

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