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FAQ and Troubleshooting
Find answers to all your questions
How does MarineTraffic identify a vessel's country and flag?
What is the significance of the AIS Shiptype number?
What is the significance of the AIS Navigational Status Values?
What is the ENI Number?
How do transmitted AIS signals get attributed to correct vessels in busy areas?
How can the vessel's crew help?
What is the typical Range of an AIS Station?
How are received positions attributed to certain AIS Stations?
Does the AIS Receiver Station produce harmful Radiation?
Areas of the World: How does MarineTraffic segment them?
What exactly is the Density Map Layer?
What is the significance of the MarineTraffic Events?
What is the significance of the MarineTraffic Ship Types?
Which Straits and Passages are used by the Notifications System?
How can I see the Load Condition of a vessel?
How can I change my vessel's name or other information?
How can I see the next destination port on MarineTraffic?
How can I ensure the safety of my vessel's voyage?
How can I stay up to date for changes in my vessel’s voyage?
How can I effectively monitor my cargo throughout a voyage?
How to detect prospective customers at the ports we operate?
How does MarineTraffic categorise Commercial Market and Commercial Size Class?
How can I get more updated vessels' positions?
Why cannot I see a vessel on the Live Map?
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